Saturday, September 5, 2009

Break your limits

Break your limits

All humans are created fairly alike. Our race has developed some abilities and powers over our existence on Earth.

I discovered – through my readings as a researcher not an academic – a very amazing fact, I found that almost all of us humans use a very small amount of our naturally God-given abilities; I do not mean only physical powers and capabilities but, also our spiritual powers that differ us from each other.

What I mentioned above is not an introduction for a Sci-Fi book or movie and it doesn't refer to any supernatural phenomena.

As I said my only concern is our God-given powers and how to awake them from their deep rest and uncover these hidden layers of our personalities which are buried beneath the surface of unawareness.

My main goal is to give the fruits of my experiences and readings to all of you and to awake the sense of greatness in yourselves; I am not saying that we must seek divinity, I only want you to realize how far can we reach through our lives and can we make something of it or not, can we make a difference if not for all at least for our selves?

Those are the questions we must find an answer for to begin our journey and to lay our first steps towards our most important goal.

Our goal is to learn how to actually achieve full control of every single thought in our minds.

So, here is the deal, we will take a little quiz based on real events happened to real persons, this test may seem a little odd but, in fact it is way more complicated.

The purpose of this test is to determine how far you can go without breaking down and to what extinction you would reach.

So, here is how it's going to be, I will describe the situation and ask you what you would do and then you can tell me.

There will be no choices no restrictions or any limitations, you can express your feelings freely and post it publicly or if you prefer privacy you can e-mail me at this address:

The first series:

1) You a very smart person and you scored very high grades at your whole education, your parents had very high expectations for you and the wanted you to join a university of their own choice, but that's not all, your parents are separated and yet they agree on the same thing regarding your future and the image they plotted in their minds for you, also your mother is very sick and this might be her last wish, your father is so far away from you and hopes to be appreciated.

The question is: you don't like there choice and you prefer another university. What would you do?

2) Your family depends on you to take responsibility while you are still 10 years old, you must be responsible for raising your younger brother and the well being of your sick mother as your father is anyhow unavailable, you don't get to have fun or enjoy yourself as much as other kids like your dearest friends for example, you are required not only to take responsibility, but also to build up your future and work harder to provide for your family.

This time, how would you feel? And what would you do?

3) You are 30 years old and have no future as you didn't finish school, you have a job that you hate ,but no other choices ahead of you, your boss treats you in a very bad way ,but you have to withstand him as he still owes you money that you can't legally prove, your brothers and sisters have made something of their lives and your parents are ashamed of you, you have no friends as they all have their own lives now and finally your beloved most precious fiance is threatening to leave you as she doubts you won't be able to support her nor your future children.

What would you do? Where will it take you?

4) You’re a very brave man, but your courage hasn't been truly tested and people never took you seriously, you are always behind the scene and never appreciated, you scarified a lot and never found any acknowledgment or even a simple thank you, you feel buried and not noticed, even the girl you love can't notice you, you try hard and harder, but your efforts seem to be useless, you are a combination of a superhero and a five years old girl who is trying very hard to impress elders and doesn't have any clue.

Will you stop? Will you carry on? Or else?

What would YOU do?

I have finished phase one and waiting for your responses, I want to hear you through your writings to feel your true deep feelings so, my only request is honesty and to feel no shame in expressing yourself and I will be there every night checking my e-mail and blog.

The next series will be posted in a period not less than three days and not more than a week depending on your responses.

After the primary phases are finished you will be able to judge yourselves and determine what kind of person you are then I offer my full advice and consultation for those who ask for it.

Thank you,


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