Did you know that getting over a break up can be harder than getting over a partner or spouse who has died? While this may sound a drastic comparison the truth is that when someone dies a person has in most cases, strong societal support.
In the situation of a break up, especially a one-sided split, a person spurned virtually has to go it alone. And this feeling of loneliness, as if the whole world is against you can be debilitating emotionally and many work themselves into emotional wrecks.
The fact they are still very much in love is hard to cope with on it's own but knowing the person they still yearn for is there but out of reach to them, is a force that will tug on the heart strings for a long time if allowed too. In this article, we want to give you some proven methods for beating this and help you in getting over break up hurt with the least amount of emotional turmoil.
Getting Over A Break Up
1. Pour out your heart in a letter. Don't leave anything out including the best and worst times you spent together, why you loved them and even let them know how you feel about them now. Name calling is definitely allowed.
2. Don't worry about what you write because this letter is for you eyes only and will never see the light of day. Once you've finished, read it and then burn it. This method helps you release a lot of pent up emotion while the burning ritual defines the end of the relationship.
3. Exchange anything with your ex that they may have and you may still have. Organize to meet and return each others stuff.
4. Any other stuff you have that was given to you by your ex should be turfed out. Do not hang onto it. This will only continually remind you of them. If it's something expensive then pawn it or if you can, give it away. Also, get rid of any photos you have that will serve as a constant reminder of your past relationship.
5. You need to sort out any financial affairs you and you ex are involved in together. This includes any money owed or any tangible stuff you own together or bank accounts in joint names. This is an important part of the closing ceremony. It's extremely important.
6. Once this is completed, cut any contact with each other for a minimum of thirty days. Phone calls, email and text messages are included in this. Even agree to avoid favorite hangouts where you're likely to run into each other.
7. If possible, to get over this period take a vacation, start a new hobby or anything that will get your mind thinking in other directions. This will be hard but it requires plenty of courage on your part to get over a break up. Make the tough decisions and when it's official that there's no chance of a reconciliation, the sooner it's done the better.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Sunday, September 6, 2009
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